Top 3 bullet journal mistakes made by newbies

by - February 26, 2019

So I've found a lot of posts online about "Crazy Bullet Journal messups" or "Bullet Journal Mistakes to Avoid" and I thought that I would help y'all along to try to help you skate around those things.

Starting right off: I wanted to take a minute to thank another blogger and journaler like myself: The Petite Planner. I get so many of my ideas from her and she is such a great person. She gave me ideas for this blog post and I want to give her credit.

Okay, now that my little spiel is over, I want to explain why I say newbies. Newbies is the word I used because it appeals to people who might need help with their bullet journaling. Not just newbies mess up, though. Everyone does. Even those pro bullet journalers who we all look up to.

So don't feel insulted if I say newbies. This is for everyone's reference, not just those who are new to bullet journaling.

So lets get started!

1Doing too much
When you look at Instagram, Snapchat or Pinterest, it is easy to get caught up with all those amazing ideas out there waiting for you.

You just want to break out your bullet journal and draw all you can and make tons of trackers, lists, monthly challenges, and collection pages.

But you'll find that eventually its hard to keep up with all those trackers. You can't find time to really do them all, and you skip them and begin a burnt out stage. The you feel guilty and try to fix it, but you cant really recount all those days, can you?

How to fix it
Just think about what trackers you really need. If you don't spend a lot each month, do you really need that extra two spending and account trackers? If you drink tons of water in the meantime, whats the point of a water consumption tracker? Record whats best for you, and don't overwhelm yourself with too many ideas at a time.

Awesome example by Sheena of the Journal

2. Playing the comparison game
Its so easy to compare yourself to other bullet journalers. "Oh, my calligraphy doesn't even compare to hers!" or "Her mood tracker is so much more creative than mine." are not good ways to improve your bullet journaling. Yes, you can't deny that there are better journalers than you out there, but the thing is, everyone has their strengths. You might be awesome at minimalist style, and careful detail, but terrible at calligraphy (That's me) and your favorite journaler is great at calligraphy but terrible at details! 

How to fix this
Play to your strengths. What are you good at? Show that prominently in your bullet journal pages. Find what makes you happy. Draw that! Be yourself with your art.

Great example by the Petite Planner

3. Overdoing it
Ever find yourself just looking at your bullet journal and saying, why do I have all this in here? This ties into my first point. You can easily overdo it and just bullet journal your way out of here, but sometimes it ends up just too much. Focusing on what is important is hard when your life gets crazy (we all know that happens) and you feel like you need to constantly plan, plan, plan.

How to fix this
Focus on what you need. Again, are all the pages necessary? Consider that before writing a new page. Also, slow it down. When I said that our lives get crazy, I meant really crazy. Slow it down to a good pace to space all the stuff out. You'll thank me when you can think straight and plan it out. 

Thanks for reading this, y'all. I hope this helps solve some of your problems if you think that your bullet journaling is just getting out of hand or you think you've gone wrong somewhere.

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