Mood Trackers: The best way to track your emotions

by - February 09, 2019

The reason why I like Mood Trackers in my bullet Journal is because over the month you can look back on what your month was like in terms of feelings and moods. Sometimes I'm having a really bad week, and I look back and see how that week showed that I was totally stressed out. It helps you to change the way you react to things and how you go about your general lifestyle.

With Mood Trackers, you get to really categorize the page. If you're a perfection geek, this is just for you. (Totally not me, by the way.) You get to choose how you want the page to work and what colors you choose for the moods. And its perfectly organized.

If you've never made a mood tracker, its basically a tracker for your moods. Just like it sounds. You can design it according to the month, your feelings, or thoughts. You fill it in each day, using different colors to express your moods. 

Here's a great example:

This is actually my half completed Mood Tracker from January. I started this tracker halfway into January so I didn't complete it. (Don't do that. Its just me and my crazy mind.) As you can see, I have many different colors to represent my different moods.. like beige for emotionless, orange for angry, and purple for stressed, etc. 

With mood trackers you can design them in many different ways. I think the most popular way is to design according to the month. My current mood tracker is a Valentine's day tracker, and I made little hearts and I am filling it in every day. This tracker, for example, was in January so I made it like a snowflake. Though where I live we don't get a single flake of snow, some of you might be having a snowstorm and this is a great design for you.

Here are some more great examples to get you started-

All of these have a similar layout: Different items to fill in over the month. I especially like the fox one and the 'tea' tracker.

Whats important with Mood Trackers is that you have some difference between the colors. You want to know which color is which mood, and you want to use colors that aren't just a shade off. The purpose of a Mood Tracker is to track your moods, and so you want to know what you're looking at.

I hope this helped y'all get started! Go start tracking your moods.

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