Materials needed

by - February 02, 2019

As a journalist I find it necessary to use a few essential tools to help me along the way.

  • A Leuchtturm 1917 Bullet Journal
  • Tamit fine line drawing pens, 36 ct
  • Calligraphy pen
  • Felt tip pens by Papermate
    As a standard journalist, I like to have the essentials when I write or draw. When you are working in your journal you want to make it look as nice as possible, and to do that you need the right materials. The leuchtturm bullet journal is a really nice journal that keeps everything organized. It has 251 pages and is dotted. It has an index to keep your pages organized if you wish.
     The Calligraphy pens help to create nice, smooth lettering to make a beautiful title, page header or decoration.
    The felt tip pens do the same, but instead of being decorative, they can be used as writing tools to spice up your journal and give it some color.
    The Tanmit drawing pens are a fine line pen that gives you a smooth and small line for when you need those tiny details.

    With these materials, your journaling can never go wrong.

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