Day to day journaling

by - February 03, 2019

Our days are very busy.. caught up with our own activities, and then our kids. Shuttling the family around to each of their activities isn’t easy. With journaling, you can find an easy way to keep track of your priorities and things you need to do. This is sort of like using a calendar, but it produces it in a way where you really plan out what you are doing, and it is really relaxing too!

So for a day to day journaling process, you just have to experiment with it. Is your bullet journal a monthly thing or a yearly journal? Depending on this, you can devote a page to one day, or a page to a week, or even a month! It just depends on you. If you have a very busy schedule, you may need more room to write down your thoughts and plans. It just depends on you.

For me, I have tried a few ways to record my plans and activities and they’ve both worked out fine. But I had a favorite, which was the monthly view. It helps me to see all of my month in one, and if I need to plan something later in the month I can do it there and see it anytime.

Back in January I tried a weekly agenda, but it never really worked for me. I didn’t have a lot going on back then and I didn’t need that much space.

With my other format I can see everything that is upcoming, instead of just that week. Also, it’s really cute! You can experiment with tons of ideas here with either of these ideas. The February one turned out really cute and you can add tons of decals or designs to personalize it.

Have fun journaling your days!

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