Bullet Journal Bloggers: Effective bloggers who inspire

by - February 14, 2019

Bullet Journal Bloggers: Effective bloggers who inspire

As a blogger and a journalist I have a few bloggers who I take tips from. Who else better to learn from than the pros? I wanted to introduce you to them and show you some of their work.

First up is my personal favorite, The Petite Planner. Her site is so effortlessly stylish and has so many great ideas.

Some great ideas by https://thepetiteplanner.com/

She is an amazing woman and I get some great ideas of what to write from her. She has the best bullet journal and is a pro at calligraphy and headers. I love what she writes because she doesn't just have tips, she actually has ideas.

Second up is a blogger called Little Coffee Fox. Number one reason: I love her name! Who doesn't like coffee and little foxes? This blog is very natural and to me is written from the heart. She really speaks to you and gives you ideas, and helps you improve not just your journaling but your whole self.

She is very productive with her journaling and gets things sorted and finished like a pro. She gives a lot of free printables so if thats something your into check her out.

3rd and final is a blogger called Page Flutter. This is an awesome blog for moms or working journalists who need ideas or a creative refresher for the day. She is a mom herself and gives a lot of practical ideas that apply to everyday life, like organizers and lists and overall planning.
Great productive ideas from https://pageflutter.com/

Not only is she a stunning journalist, which she is, but she has so many great ideas. Also, her blog is so dang cute!

Thanks for sticking with me, guys. Hope you are inspired by some of these amazing bloggers. But just because you've seen their work doesn't mean that you abandon me. Be sure to stick around for more great blogging ideas from me. Spread the word!

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