7 rich lifestyle blogs to visit
So for starters on my new topic Lifestyle I thought I might introduce y'all to a few really good lifestyle blogs and bloggers to visit online. (Probably because they are way better than me at lifestyle blogging)
You might be thinking, what exactly is 'Lifestyle blogging'? Well I didn't really know in the first place but once I got into it, it was a really uplifting way to encourage yourself using your day to day life and strengthening those normal lifestyle things, whether worries, mom questions or how to's.
So the google definition is: A way in which a person or group lives. A lifestyle blog is about one persons individual life, such as events that have happened in their life, their kids, spouse, family, vacations, just things that they want to share with the world.
Starting off: Barefoot Blonde by Amber Fillerup. She focuses a lot on family, hair, and fashions. To me she puts a lot in about her personal life and expands a lot on important events in her family.