7 rich lifestyle blogs to visit

by - March 19, 2019

So for starters on my new topic Lifestyle I thought I might introduce y'all to a few really good lifestyle blogs and bloggers to visit online. (Probably because they are way better than me at lifestyle blogging)

You might be thinking, what exactly is 'Lifestyle blogging'? Well I didn't really know in the first place but once I got into it, it was a really uplifting way to encourage yourself using your day to day life and strengthening those normal lifestyle things, whether worries, mom questions or how to's.

So the google definition is: A way in which a person or group lives. A lifestyle blog is about one persons individual life, such as events that have happened in their life, their kids, spouse, family, vacations, just things that they want to share with the world.

Starting off: Barefoot Blonde  by Amber Fillerup. She focuses a lot on family, hair, and fashions. To me she puts a lot in about her personal life and expands a lot on important events in her family.

Photo by Barefoot Blonde
A cup of Jo is a great blog to go check out because it is so heartfelt and meaningful. She focuses a lot on motherhood and life and just how to be a mom. She also likes to write about travel, relationships and fashion.
Photo from A Cup of Jo

Another great motherhood and beauty blog is A Piece of Toast. She loves to write about motherhood and baby care, but is great at beauty tips and fashion
Photo by A Piece of Toast

Next up is The Blonde Abroad. As you might have noticed, she likes to write about traveling and her adventures. :) She also specializes in feminism, and photography.

Photo from The Blonde Abroad

Deliciously Ella is probably one of my favorite blogs because, her name is Ella, like me! Of course she specializes in cooking and healthy lifestyles, which a lot of us are interested in.

Photo from Deliciously Ella

Sincerely Jules is a great lifestyle blog because its all about lifestyle! She really goes heart to heart about her life but at the same time focuses a lot on fashion and style.

Image result for sincerely jules
Photo from Sincerely Jules

A great fashion and mom lifestyle blog is Sandy A La Mode. She focuses intently on motherhood and especially fashion tips and tricks.
Image result for sandy a la mode
Photo by Sandy A La Mode

Overall, these are all great ladies who do great jobs of expressing themselves through blogging. I hope this interests you and gets you motivated to live your best life.

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