My faith based bucket list: 10 things to help you become closer to God.

by - March 03, 2019

Everyone has his or her own bucket list: Whether about christianity, places you want to visit, or things you want to do with your kids. All of them will be different. This is just a place for me to express the things I want to do to become closer to God.

1. Visit the Holy Land
When you go to Israel, it is so inspirational and awe inspiring. To be in the place where He once stood! It is always a boost in your faith to see the places in the bible and walk where He once was.

2.Win someone to Jesus
I have personal experience on this one. A few years ago I brought a bible with me to work and my friend asked me about it. I gently told him all about the gospel and the love of Jesus Christ. God worked in him through me to bring him close to God. Now this person was not a Christian at all. He was of the Hindi religion. It was especially difficult to get close to him and personal about this topic because he asked a lot of deep questions about Christianity. It really tested my faith as well and made me ask a lot of important questions about my faith. Eventually, we parted ways and we don't see each other hardly at all, but I hope I planted a seed in him.

With this it is very easy to go wrong, I admit. How do you know if you are preaching the right things? What are you supposed to tell them? How are you supposed to answer generic christian questions that you've never really asked? I tell you: Just get out there. Try it. Reach out to a friend of yours who is not a believer. Try to spark a fire in them to love the Lord.

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3.Memorize an entire chapter of the bible
Which one? There are so many great ones out there. Tons in Phillipians, Ephesians, Isaiah, and the gospels. Pick one that speaks to you and you constantly go to for help and comfort in times of trouble.

4.Visit a mission field and do something there for Jesus
Whether it is a church youth camp or a mission trip to a nearby city, try it. I was exposed to many types of these and was influenced by all. With mission trips you have the opportunity to help the less fortunate in your surrounding area and help the people in need.

I personally have a story to share about a mission trip my church did once. They went to a camp and helped out with some younger kids there. They preached the gospel to them, shared their testamonies and spread the good news to the next generation. It was a great way to help others grow in God and to strengthen your faith as well.

5. Learn to pray better
For most of us, we feel uncertain when it comes to praying. We don't know if we're doing it right (How do we know he's listening?) or if we are saying the right things. How are we supposed to know? What I want to do with this is to encourage you to find ways that help you strengthen this part of your spiritual life. Read church library books. Talk to elders or people that you trust for tips on how to pray.

I'm not saying that you will be totally satisfied with it. It may take a long time for some of you, while for others it may be a few weeks to practice. Just find the way that helps you grow in Christ.

6. Find your spiritual gift and put it to use. 
Whatever it may be: Words of Wisdom, Faith, Gifts of healing, Miracles, teaching: Put it to use.
Everyone is gifted some spiritual capability from God. If you don't know what yours is, then I suggest you try new things. Exposing yourself to new things allows you to find your passion, and allows you to experiment with new things.

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7. One time in your life, contribute twice as much to the work of the Lord than you did the previous year
If you are a tither, then this one is for you. This is a great challenge for some of us: Giving a lot of money to the Lord may be a stretch and a burden. You might not be comfortable giving that much. I suggest you figure out what you are willing to give and give a little extra- but not too much. Just remember that you are giving to the Lord your God. He provides all things.

8. Tell everyone who you love that you love them
This might seem like a really simple one, but even the smallest thought or word or sign that you noticed someone or something can make someone's day. You don't know what everyone is going through. Some people might be dealing with a bad marriage, others struggling with finding community, others deep into depression. A kind word always makes someone's day.

9. Become an expert on one book of the bible
It doesn't really matter which one it is. It could be a book that covers deep Israel history, or one that talks about what our time with God after life will be. It may be a book that has deep personal meaning to you, like you study it a lot to apply it to your life. It could be one that you want to study more to deepen your relationship with Christ. This is a great way to apply scripture to parts of your life and to focus your time around it, making a deeper time with God daily.
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10.Read a book on Christian theology.
There are tons of great books out there to read about christian theology. Topics about divorce, raising a family, temptations, and more are all covered in these deep books.
Some ideas:

-The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis
-Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis
-Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
-Knowing God by J. I. Packer
-The Reason for God by Tim Keller
-Crazy Love by Francis Chan
-Christian Theology by Millard J. Erickson

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