A peek into my bullet journal: A look at this month's layout and trackers

by - March 29, 2019

I find myself wanting to share what I personally do with my bullet journal, from how I organize it, what trackers I use, and my themes. I love to show y'all how I do things and I feel like it might be beneficial to some of y'all if you actually see what I'm talking about in my other posts. :)

Yes, I know that I am very late on posting this since its now almost April, but I still hope you can get some ideas for upcoming moth trackers and layouts.

First up: Trackers for this month

I had a conference with myself at the end of February and decided to cut a few trackers from my monthly bullet journal sections. I used to be using a homework/work tracker, but looking back, I used it and filled it in a few times, at the most. I didn't have a lot of work, and I thought, 'why waste paper if you don't need it?'

I also cut a sleep tracker, because I don't go to sleep that late or wake up that early, and I'm not very obsessed with constantly checking and getting a good nights sleep. I filled it in, but it wasn't a lot of help to me.

So after that little anecdote to myself, I decided to keep the following trackers: Mood Tracker (Love this!!), Gratitude Log, and Habit Tracker.

Example by Adaija Packnet on Pinterest

This is an example from off the internet that I use as my mood tracker for March. (Hers undoubtedly looks a lot better than mine) I have a habit of finding really cute trackers to categorize with different months, like January: A snowflake, February: Hearts, March: Clover, and planning ahead, April: An umbrella. I like to style my trackers or monthly pages based around the theme of the month. It not only looks great and is creative, but it helps me to find the tracker for this month quickly when I'm flipping through my journal. 

Great examples by Sheena of the Journal and Erica Fitzgerald

In some of my other posts I've mentioned that I don't like day-to-day or weekly layouts, so let me tell you why. I sometimes had really important events that I needed to plan for later in the month and to see on my calendar, but with weekly trackers I couldn't see what events were happening soon. I also didn't put a ton of stuff on each one of those days, so when I didn't have a very busy week it was sort of a waste of paper.

Monthly trackers make it way easier to spread out your month so you can see it on one page. This helps me, like I said before, to know what events are happening soon and be prepared. Plus, monthly trackers are so cute, and you can do a lot of cool designs with these. For my March Monthly spread I used a St. Patricks day theme and made a calendar sort of thing in green to go with the style. I drew a sort of clover like on the mood tracker, and made little vines growing around sections of the page.

My habit tracker for March is my best yet. It is so minimalistic (Perfect for my OCD gals) and precise, with touches of style and grandeur here and there. I just did a simple habit tracker like my other ones and filled out the usual stuff. But the important part here is that I desized the tracker.

But hey, this is a great learning experience for some of y'all who are just like, 'how'. I wanted to shorten my tracker because it was getting so hard to keep up with.

In February I had like 15 things on there that I had to fill in, from making my bed (Which I never do) to cleaning the room, and some of those things I didn't really need.

So yes, I cut it down. For some of y'all, this might seem hard to cut down some of those things that you think are so important, but I have a solution. Go through each of those things and consider, 'Do I really need this? Do I already do this or do I need a reminder?' This will help you to break things down and make your life easier.

I love my habit tracker so much this month, not only because it is so darn cute, but because it allows me so much room to expand. I added some little "Sticky note drawings" below the chart that make it even more organized, with 'events', and 'notes'. I can quickly jot down those things I need a quick reminder of to help me remember to get myself organized.

The real reason why I wrote this post was because I wanted to show y'all some of my favorite tracker and monthly spread ideas because you can experiment so much with these and really express yourself. I feel like at every start of the month I love drawing and designing my new trackers to reflect upon the month.

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