Its time to make a change in your church or community: What do you do?

by - March 11, 2019

Right now is a time where I am considering and meditating on this question in every waking moment. My church is not  a church that is fostering love and community, and we feel we may need to make a decision involving the church and where God wants us to be. So what questions should you ask yourself when you find yourself in this situation?

1. Is your church fostering a lifestyle of community and fellowship?
As a church they should try to improve their community. God calls us to be in fellowship with other Christians and be able to grow in a relationship with him through them. When you have community you not only get to know other people, you please God. A few verses to think about:

Matthew 18.20: 'For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.'
Romans 1:11-12: 'I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong- That is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each others faith.'
Romans 12:5: 'So in Christ we, through many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

2. Ask your family if they feel community from the church.
Even though YOU might not feel like you have community, your spouse or children may feel different. When you are asking your kids about this, make sure you focus on what exactly is their community. If its just a few friends, they might not be too connected there or they don't really feel community in their group. With your spouse or family find out what exactly is their tie to the church. Small group? Subject based classes? Pastor? Teaching? If you find that they feel community in a way you don't, find out why. Explain why you don't. If you see another person's view of this important subject you might change your feelings about it.

3. Is your church based around the bible?
This is a big problem I find at my church because without fail, the main pastor hardly ever uses references from the bible. The church is supposed to be in accordance to the bible, and following it and referencing it in all it teaches. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All scripture is breathed out of God and is useful for teaching, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of god may be fully equipped for every good work." This tells us to apply the bible to all of life so we can become more like God and able to tackle any situation. John 17:17 says: "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth." This shows us that the bible is holy and that we should study it in all parts of life. If your church is not consistently using the bible in their teaching or promoting it, the church is not a good church for anyone.

What to do
There are many reasons why a church might not be working for you and your family, but let me help. Here are a few ideas for how to decide what to do about it.

1. Look at other churches
Another church might be a better fit for you and fit your spiritual needs better. It could fill some of the empty spaces your previous church had. Even though it might be hard to change churches, it is healthy to try to find one that really helps your spiritual needs.

2. Find out what problems your church has
Is it the pastor? The teaching? The use of scripture? The community? Find out what the problem is and identify what happens around the church to create it.

3. Trust in God
This is all I have to say. Trust in God. Pray to him. Worship him. Find ways to connect yourself to him in everyday life, and devote yourself to him. He is your sole provider, and he will sustain.

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